
The rise of Black Africa

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BANTU – The rise of Black Africa
Enough is enough. It is time for great black nations of Africa to arise. We have suffered enough under colonial masters, bad politicians and bounty hunters.
Black Africa remains the only part of the world where the majority is forced into pseudo-nationalities which evoke no sense of patriotism. This leaves these nations at the mercy of greedy, power grabbing politicians that sell off our commonwealth to the highest bidder! Why must a black person deny their ethnicity in order to appear nationalistic? This is a grave wrong that must be corrected by this generation!
The Black Africa National Transformation Union (BANTU) is created to redefine nationalism for every black person and encourage a political system that is tailor made for the Black African. Go to and register today! Read the Book of Black Revolution and share this message to all your viable contacts!
If you fail to share this message as wide as possible, you fail generations unborn although you have the power to be the change for the glorious future of Black Africa!
Join this movement today and create the revolution your generation desires. Stand up and play your part for the greatness of Black Africa.
Note: If this message stops on your device, you are either part of those benefiting from the sick state of Black African Nations or careless about the threatened future of Black Africa. Either way, you fail the time for which you were born!
Do not be a failure!
Forward this message to all your viable contacts now!

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